After Installing rails application, you have to start the servers both Apache and MySql when you open exe file of rails application, the servers are automatically started
Open a ruby console window
C :\Rails\rails_apps>
Type the following command
Creating Books Database
> mysql -u root
This will now show you mysql> prompt
At mysql prompt type the following
>create database book_development;
>use book_development;
>create table books(id int not null auto_increment,accno varchar(40) not null,title varchar(60) not null,author varchar(60) not null,edition varchar(60) not null,publisher varchar(5) not null,primary key(id));
Creating book Project
Now open another console window type the following command
>rails -d mysql book
>cd book
Creating controller, model and view from database
>ruby script/generate scaffold Book accno:string title:string author:string
edition:string publisher:string
Starting rails server
>ruby script/server
Executing in the web browser
Creating main (new) controller for searching book
>ruby script/generate controller main
a controller with a name main will be created..
Opening main controller program
>edit app\controllers\main_controller.rb
Create two views welcome and result
class MainController < ApplicationController
def welcome
@num_books = Book.count
def result
@titlename = params[:title]
@bookz = Book.find(:all, :conditions => "title = #{@titlename}")
Create Result view file
>notepad app\views\main\result.rhtml
<title> Welcome template for books </title>
<p> Entered book title is <%= @titlename %> </p>
<table border=1>
<tr><th>Book Id</th> <th>Accesion Number</th><th>Book
Title</th><th>Author</th> <th>Edition </th> <th>Publisher</th></tr>
<% @names.each do |bk|
@id =
@accno = bk.accno
@title = bk.title
@author =
@edition = bk.edition
@publisher = bk.publisher%>
<td> <%= @id %></td>
<td><%= @accno %> </td>
<td><%= @title %></td>
<td> <%= @author %></td>
<td><%= @edition %></td>
<td> <%= @publisher %></td>
<% end %>
Create Welcome view file
>notepad app\views\main\welcome.rhtml
<title> Welcome template for books </title>
<p> Total number of books = <%= @num_books %> </p>
<form action = "result" >
Enter Searching Element: <input type="text" name="title" />
<input type=submit value="Search" />
Starting Rails Server
ruby script/server
Executing in the web browser
Open a ruby console window
C :\Rails\rails_apps>
Type the following command
Creating Books Database
> mysql -u root
This will now show you mysql> prompt
At mysql prompt type the following
>create database book_development;
>use book_development;
>create table books(id int not null auto_increment,accno varchar(40) not null,title varchar(60) not null,author varchar(60) not null,edition varchar(60) not null,publisher varchar(5) not null,primary key(id));
Creating book Project
Now open another console window type the following command
>rails -d mysql book
>cd book
Creating controller, model and view from database
>ruby script/generate scaffold Book accno:string title:string author:string
edition:string publisher:string
Starting rails server
>ruby script/server
Executing in the web browser
Creating main (new) controller for searching book
>ruby script/generate controller main
a controller with a name main will be created..
Opening main controller program
>edit app\controllers\main_controller.rb
Create two views welcome and result
class MainController < ApplicationController
def welcome
@num_books = Book.count
def result
@titlename = params[:title]
@bookz = Book.find(:all, :conditions => "title = #{@titlename}")
Create Result view file
>notepad app\views\main\result.rhtml
<title> Welcome template for books </title>
<p> Entered book title is <%= @titlename %> </p>
<table border=1>
<tr><th>Book Id</th> <th>Accesion Number</th><th>Book
Title</th><th>Author</th> <th>Edition </th> <th>Publisher</th></tr>
<% @names.each do |bk|
@id =
@accno = bk.accno
@title = bk.title
@author =
@edition = bk.edition
@publisher = bk.publisher%>
<td> <%= @id %></td>
<td><%= @accno %> </td>
<td><%= @title %></td>
<td> <%= @author %></td>
<td><%= @edition %></td>
<td> <%= @publisher %></td>
<% end %>
Create Welcome view file
>notepad app\views\main\welcome.rhtml
<title> Welcome template for books </title>
<p> Total number of books = <%= @num_books %> </p>
<form action = "result" >
Enter Searching Element: <input type="text" name="title" />
<input type=submit value="Search" />
Starting Rails Server
ruby script/server
Executing in the web browser
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